Wednesday 31 October 2012

Ghost story…

I wanted to write a ghost story in under fifty words. In the end I managed it in thirty-two. Here it is, you may need to read it twice and think about it. I hope that you like it…

Another Halloween, I expect they’ll be knocking at the door again, all those ghosts of mine.

Knock, knock (who’s there?)

I open the door to no one.

“Come in.” I say.

And they do.


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  3. Just more shit from Sparkle.

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  5. Maggie Patzuk wrote on Facebook:
    very haunting indeed! You need to be writing professionally - as in getting paid lots!

  6. Happy Halloween. Your ghost story has scared me much more! I hate Halloween as perceived by todays parents and kids. When I was a child we didn't go round scaring people on doorsteps. We sat around the hearth, lights off, telling each other scary stories until we were too frightened to go upstairs to bed. When we did, we 3 sisters shared a room and lit candles daring each other to look out the window to watch the witches on broomsticks and everyone of us swore we saw one. We kept our heads under the covers talking to each other in whispers not wanting to be the last one awake. Nothing like imagination - now I've scared myself again! Spooked.

    1. Thanks b.kapral. Happy Halloween to you too.

  7. Some knock louder than others!
