Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Life in a cloud...

I recently generated a TweetCloud from all of the tweets I’ve tweeted over the last 12 months, all 1,974 of them to the 34 people I’m following and for the 113 followers (including lurkers and weirdos) who are following me. And what is the word I use the most frequently?


Surprise? Surprised? No, I guess not.

I always tweet a link to my blog, well I want people to read it and it is a good way to let people know that I’ve posted.

It’s interesting to see the words that the cloud has picked up on and the way they’ve arranged themselves. Reading and Scarborough appear next to each other, well I spend a lot of time on the road travelling to them so it’d be odd if they didn’t. Thursday is my Reading day and I usually tweet to that effect from Oxford services on the M40. It appears, according to my cloud, that some of my meetings might take days - and believe me it sometimes feels like they really do. My job is in there, a collection of busy words – media, company, business, yell, call, online, Monday - and my leisure time – home, night, talking, life, stuff. I thought at fist glance that Wales and sheep appeared side by side, which was worrying, but on looking again I saw that it was sleep and not sheep….phew!

Beer, coffee and lunch are all mentioned thank goodness - what would life be like without beer and coffee? And my fascination with the weather and the sky is included – sunny, water, rain. Some of my followers and following are named – Flora, Seth, Glynne, Shore - along with my feelings and thoughts – hate, love, hope, free, feel, thinking. My pastimes – tweeting, radio, social, talking, story, pictures, writing, and of course Misty the wonder cat all get a mention - and it wouldn’t be possible for my cloud not to report on my rubber duck fetish along with Duckington, the village where my ducks live.

So a fair reflection of my tweets and me I think - a taste of what I think, feel, do and am, all captured in 140 characters or so. My whole life and personality in 140 character tweets all caught up in a cloud…

How odd.


  1. Tricia Kitt commented on Facebook:

    "where DO you find the time?..."

    I say -"You make the time for the things you enjoy. Besides, I love the sound of 5.00am."

  2. That is cool? Did you make it yourself or do it on a website? Could you put a link on to the site if you did.

    Nice cloud though.

  3. Hi Glynne


  4. Lissa Tam commented on Facebook:

    "like it =)"

  5. no mention of me in the cloud then. I may have to join Tweeter.
