Monday 14 May 2012


For every little sunshine there's an unshine.

Opposites are funny things; they seem to be so hard to pin down sometimes. We all know that the opposite of heads is tails, black is white, but what is the opposite of love – is it hate, or apathy? Is the opposite of sunshine, moonshine or darkness? And what about life and death, good and bad, up and down? Hmmm, now that I come to think of it maybe it isn’t so very hard at all.

Sun’s shining, Luna dozes on the table quite content, maybe they’ll be no unshine today. I hate the unshine, it comes along too often. Everything seems okay then something changes and the sunshine goes in and the unshine comes out. Maybe there won’t be so much unshine around now that Luna’s come to live, but you never know, you never can tell.

Flip the coin see where it lands, heads or tails, tails or heads? No, unshines no fun, no fun at all.

A friend of mine who I’ve never met or spoken to has gone on a journey. Maybe on the run would be a better way to describe it. I have no idea what happened or where she’s gone, just a few parting sentences left in her daily soup and then nothing. Quite frankly, I’m concerned. Quite frankly I’m worried. I’m thinking that maybe the unshine is after her.

In my mind I see her and her daughter, Puppet, driving in a big black sedan along a dark deserted desert road. They both look nervous. Puppet’s eating a Hershey bar, trying not to let the crumbs fall onto her pink sweater. It’s hot and the chocolate would melt, there isn’t any air-conditioning in the car. Both are wearing black horn rimmed spectacles - “in disguise” as my friend puts it. They drive and drive, mile after mile, going somewhere else, anywhere else, trying to get away from the unshine and find some sunshine. If I could I’d send the Ju-Ju Jesus to protect them but I’m not sure that they’d want that, I don’t know how they feel about these things. I hope that they make it though and The JJP could only help. To hell with it – I’ll send the Peanut anyway. All hail the Holy of Peanut, all hail the Hoodoo-Voodoo heart.

Safe journey my friend.


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  3. Thank my god!

    Knock three times and the Peanut will appear. Thanks for letting me know that you are okay Little Red. So what road are you on? Remember, never wear shades at night even though the headlights may blind and the rain may patter, blind patter ain't no conversation and conversation is a dying art - a little like taxidermy. Sleep tight Sprinkles and give my regards to Puppet.

  4. Glynne T Kirkham on Facebook:
    Your words are brilliant but your pictures are amazing. #amazeballs

  5. Lindsey Messenger on Facebook:
    i so hate the unshine days....and there seems to be a lot of them at the moment......roll on

  6. Tony Payne on Facebook:

    1. You always were so repressed Tony, maybe that's why you are a runner.

    2. Tony Payne No doubt Andy. Hail Ju Ju Jesus

  7. So you can command the Ju Ju Jesus to do your will?! Blasphemy!

    1. Only the Ju-Ju can do as he will, we are all his willing worshippers...
