Saturday 19 May 2012

There’s always the sky...

Just one of those days where nothing really happens. Sometimes I think that that’s a good thing - nothing is okay; and at least it’s not something – something has such infinite possibilities.

The thing is about somethings are that there are good somethings and bad somethings and it always seems to be the bad somethings that we remember, that stick in our minds. Who ever remembers a good dream?

I took this picture in a Welsh meadow this time last year. The skies were blue, the sun warm and there were bright yellow flowers all around. On days like these, nothing days, you can always go somewhere else.There’s always the sky to look at and the sky never lets you down. Just like those somethings the sky has infinite variety, never the same twice, good skies and bad skies - but it’s always the blue skies we remember.