Friday 9 December 2011

Funny things…

My mum and dad have flown off to Australia to visit my sister. They’ll be gone for a few weeks, six or seven, during which time I probably won’t speak to them but find out what they are up to via Facebook – my sister Della posts all the time.

This is the picture she took whilst waiting for them to come off the plane and when my mum saw her she didn't recognise her and told Della to 'Take care' ... She thought she was off the plane! Well, it’s a long flight and she’s as dotty as a polka dot frock anyway, but what a funny thing.

And talking of funny things, here’s another. I miss them already even though we usually only communicate by phone, annoying each other with our separate conversations, my dad calling in the back, my mum relaying messages that I’ve already heard (he has a loud voice).

And here’s another funny thing. I never worry about them when they are home (well not often) but I’m already worrying now that they are so far away. What if this should happen? What if that should happen?

And the funniest thing at all?
I didn’t expect to feel this way.

Sets me to thinking, but I don’t want to go there just yet, not for many, many years. Not at all really but I know that one day I’ll have to.

Anyway down safe after a long journey, have a great time mum and dad, missing you and see you soon. Take care!

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