Monday 18 January 2010

Birfrost, the flaming rainbow bridge...

We had some fog in Wales at the weekend, not too dense, but more than a mist. It hung in the air turning the trees to creatures draped in lace and turned the sky to a blurred palette of muted peacock hues.

On the hill, passing the sheep, the setting sun suddenly flared and sent out a bridge of colour across the darkening fields. A glimpse of Birfrost, the flaming rainbow bridge between Asgard and Midgard. If only I could climb and sit in Valhalla with Odin in the hall where the Einherjar await Ragnarok, that ultimate destiny of the Norse gods - a trail of disaster and final battle. The end of Odin, Thor, Freyr, Heimdall and Loki, the god of both.

So where did I get my encyclopedic knowledge of Norse mythology? A museum, a text book, an encyclopedia? No, all learnt from my ‘Fantastic’ comic back in the late sixties. Who says that reading comics is bad for you?


  1. Philip Morgan commented on Facebook.

    "You capture some fantastic pics as well Andy and your musings do them justice."

  2. Wonderful pictures - I agree, nothing wrong with reading comics.
