Wednesday 15 April 2009

The incredible Blog...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... mmmmmmmmmm....

That - is - so - much - better.

I really needed that. I’ve gone days without, this is such a relief, you’ve no idea what I’ve been through. At last I’m blogging at will again, in control, no longer a puppet to my own emotions. I’ve been blogged off and blogged out for far too long and it was beginning to get too much for me… and that can be dangerous.

Let me explain.

You may have noticed that over the last few days I haven’t been blogging as regularly as I usually do – I've wanted to (desperately) but I couldn’t. It really wasn’t through any lack of will; I had the will but not the opportunity. For some reason technology and North Wales don’t seem to go together very well. Maybe it’s the mountains, the weather, or maybe even the sheep, but for some reason I couldn’t get my laptop and phone to sync so that I could reliably access my blog.

Now, as you know - the blog is the life – so it has been very hard coping. Most of the time I could get some things to work… grrr… a little of the time I could get everything to work…grrrrr… but I couldn’t make everything work all of the time or even enough of the time to post…grrrrr… which was…grrrrrr… very frustrating. Sometimes I managed log on, but when I tried to upload I… grrrrrrrr… crashed, other times I couldn’t even access the Grrr... world… Grrrr… wide… Grrrrr… web.

GRRRRRRRRRRRR… must calm down, must calm down.

I tried everything to get on and out there– early morning logs, late evening logs, I tried driving around attempting to pick up a signal (not as I was actually driving obviously), from on top a fog-bound mountain, in the centre of Caernarfon (by the castle gift shop), I even logged on to the unsecured network of a big yacht in Pwllheli harbour (I guess that’s illegal) – until it sailed away taking my signal with it.


And on the few occasions that I successfully logged on I wasted hours waiting for stuff to upload only to find that it didn’t and ‘site unavailable – please check your network connections’ popped up - or ‘your blog has published successfully’ only to find that it hadn’t.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR… Now calm down, you’re running out of decent shirts.

I’m an addict and I really needed my blog-fix. I won’t go into the details of what ‘not’ blogging does to me physically, but if you are familiar with the Incredible Hulk or have ever seen the movie of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde… well, you should have some idea.

Mentally it really messes me up. I get really tetchy when I can’t blog and my angst escalates through a number of levels.

Level one – I begin to twitch.
Level two – I start to pace.
Level three – I shout.
Level four – I start speaking in tongues.
Level five – Don’t make me angry… you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.
Level six – GrunnnnkkorrrlfRipppppp – there goes another shirt.

You see the thing about blogs is that they are like sharks they gotta keep moving or they die. Of course I could (and do) produce and read it just for myself, after all it keeps me calm and It’s important that I remain calm at all times. Otherwise – well you know what happens when I get angry. Don’t you just hate it when you wake up in a pair of badly torn trousers?

Anyway – I’m back and blogging but it was a close run thing. Next time I’ll give you some warning, just in case I get angry - and trust me, you really wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

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