Monday 2 January 2012

HNY - singing not screaming…

Another New Year’s Eve slipped away in the way they do. This year’s though I didn’t see in - just another symptom of all that’s gone on I guess. No worries. I’ll deal with it - whatever the outcome may be.

New Year’s day in Wales, grey sky and grey mood. So here we go, another New Year’s Day and another doodle. Pay no attention to this first doodle of my year, that isn’t blood, its cochineal and that scream… well, I could be singing I guess. And who says that's me anyway? It could be that other fellah.

Last year was a mother-fucking-bitch of a year (sorry I tried to find other words, but like a JD and coke, nothing else quite hit that particular spot). Yes, a real mother-fucking-bitch. So bad that it seems to have clouded my ability to see the forward that could (must) be coming.

Looking in the mirror this morning I saw that clichéd stranger so many lyricists and writers go on about. This time the stranger was grey haired, broken faced, and caught in a spotlight like another clichéd rabbit. Might have been that other fellah though. Who knows?

I smiled, he smiled. And smiling again I turned to my good friend Red who isn’t usually up and about that early.

“Wad’ya think Red?”
“Happy New Year, Grandad.”
“Thanks Red, Happy New Year to you too.”

Yes Happy New Year, lets hope it gets better as it goes on.
Anyway, I might be singing and not screaming.
And it might not be me at all.
Yes, definitely singing, and definitely not screaming -
But I’ve no idea what the song is.


  1. Linda Kemp commented on Facebook:
    no need to apologise, but here's hoping you can't say the same this time next year xx

  2. Vicky Sutcliffe on Facebook:
    It WILL be a better year. Welcome back and see you soon.
