Looks like the world is heading for economic meltdown if the newsmen and politicians are to be believed. Well, it’s hardly surprising is it? Not that I believe the newsmen or politicians any more than I believe the bankers and businessmen or the ancient Mayans come to that… although thinking about it the Mayans are probably closer to the truth than the rest.
Yes, the world is in turmoil and those of us who are used to having so much are beginning to understand what it is like not to have quite as much as before – just like most of the world always has.
The Western rich are no longer getting richer, or so it seems. The western rich seem to be getting poorer - tut-tut.
Yes, poverty is a great leveller. Not that the West is in poverty yet, but the rest of the world, the ones that have always known poverty, just might be getting a teeny bit wealthier - tut-tut, how awful.
Perhaps there is a balancing beginning where even the poorest nations might have a little more. It’s certainly happening in
Well, looks like the world is coming to the end of its tether.
Look’s like the world just doesn’t have enough to go around any more.
Looks like the world’s resources don’t only belong to the West as the West had always assumed.
Looks like the world’s resources belong to the world – and there really (yes really, not just a documentary) isn’t enough to go around.
I like to think of it as natural communism. A sharing of the world’s resources simply because those that couldn’t now can. Not that I like it, because I don’t - it's not what I am used to and it's scary. I think it’s going to be a big change for all of us who have been so comfortable for so long - but you can’t keep the world from turning (unless you are Michael Rennie and have a big silver robot called Gort).
As more and more people can the world’s resources need to stretch further and further, meaning less for those that have had and more for those who have had not – if you get my italicised drift.
Perhaps it’s the start of a new golden age where everyone has pretty much the same and we all live in almost-enough harmony.
Yeah right. It’s more likely to be like living in the middle ages - war, famine, pestilence and candles (if you can afford the tallow to make them), or maybe even worse (Kaboom!).
Yes, I wonder what the
Thought provoking blog Andi. Great read and a subject close to many (apart from Vodaphone and Harry Rednap et al, tax evaders and avoiders) of us. I think this turmoil is partly the symptom of intangible financial markets which create nothing finally running their course. Markets driven by value of property and shares based on confidence and fear and rumour. Hopefully this pain will be the path to a time when we come to understand real value in our lives.
ReplyDeletePS I am no left winger. It's time for us all to smell the coffee if we can afford to buy it.
Thanks Ian. Simpler times ahead.
DeleteNick Jennings on Facebook:
ReplyDeletelove the idea of natural communism, but think we're probably the unnatural thing in that equation :-) Are you, like me, optimistic enough to think there's probably a way of there being enough for everyone (to have Enough, that is), but cynical enough to know altruism's just a nice idea?
There was always enough but the West (me and you and the rest) are so greedy. Mind you I think a time is coming when there will be so many that we will all have to have a little bit less than enough, and then..
DeleteNick Jennings on Facebook: "...then we'll probably still have far more than we ever needed! :-)"
ReplyDeleteakh -If I'm honest it's the younger, stronger nations that will find it all a problem. Steak and gas is so important to them.
ReplyDeleteNick Jennings - think steak should be part of the problem, efficient use of farm land and production as close to consumption as possible, should dictate "steak and gas" become less important
Nick Jennings - mmm any guesses whch nations may be more affected by scarcity of steak and gas (lets hope they haven't got a 'finger on the button', eh!)
Andrew Height - I think they are far more subtle than than, after all it IS in the name of democracy.
Nick Jennings - and they know all about democracy, having delivered it so effectively around the globe :-)
David Searle Natural communism sounds like a more positive outcome than the neo fascism which seems to be taking hold in Hungary and is starting to gain ground in other parts of Europe...
ReplyDeleteNick Jennings on Facebook: has always been the result of fear David and think part of MrH's point was that fear will precede change (dont we know it always does by now :-) )