Friday 28 May 2010



What fishys?

Rumour has it that there are fishy-wishys in this tank, two of them. Well if there are I can’t hissing see them and I’ve been sat here for over a (or should that be an) hissing hour as it is. As far as I can see all that’s in this tank thing is some murky water, a couple of pathetic plastic plants, a silly sunken ship, and lots of the stuff they put in my litter tray. No fishy- wishys though. Maybe it isn't a fish tank at all, maybe it's a new kind of litter tray. Well, they won't get me using it, there's no way I'm going to sit in all that water.

Oh well, I’ve had enough of looking for imaginary fishys, time for a little snooze I think.


  1. You're missing something there Misty

  2. Phil Morgan commented on Facebook:

    I love those pics of Misty.
