Wednesday 16 January 2013


When I named this blog What a Wonderful Life I have to admit that a large part of my tongue was pressed firmly into my cheek. As time went on though, and I began to look around in an attempt to find inspiration, I really did find many things to wonder at. There is much to see if you look. A leaf carefully falling from a tree to the ground, pink clouds on a summer’s evening, the splash of the rain in a puddle. Everyday things that aren’t everyday at all. Real world occurrences that aren’t quite real. Then there are the things found in place where they shouldn’t be found. Like the tiny red satin ballet shoe I found in the road one day and the playing cards scattered in the snow. There are memories, passing moments, good days to remember, dreams - yes there is wonder in life.

Not all wonder is positive though.

Yesterday I was robbed. Oh, not a lot, a few hundred pounds taken by an opportunist thief from the draw of my desk in my shop when I went to the loo. Less than five minutes away from my shop within a shop and the result of a lot of work was stolen. Of course I have nobody to blame but myself. I really should have taken the money with me; and it could have been worse, my trusty laptop was in the same drawer. It was with a real sense of wonder that I looked in the draw where my money had once been. I wondered where it had gone, even looked for it, before realising that that suspicious looking chap with the beard who’d been hanging around for hours had probably taken it. That’s him in the picture, if you see him please let me know. When that realisation hit me I wondered how I could have been so stupid, I wondered how he had the nerve, I wondered what to do about it, I wondered, I wondered, I wondered.

Anyway the police were called, a statement taken, the likelihood of catching the culprit weighed up as zero and back I went to my shopkeeping wondering why I bother. I’m still wondering now.

1 comment:

  1. Tony Payne and Phil Ogden like this.

    Joely Saffron Sant That's my husband!
    13 hours ago · Unlike · 1

    Ian Maclachlan Crap news Andi. Sorry to hear that. I tend to comfort myself simply with the thought that no honest goodness will come to people like that. They have no innocence and will never know innocent pleasure. Of course someone out there may say he might need ...See More
    13 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1

    Sandra Bouguerch sorry to hear that you were robbed Andy x
    13 hours ago · Unlike · 1

    Richard Shore I don't know this guy's name, but I've seen him hanging around with Mr potato head
    12 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 2

    Robert Mills Reminds me of Dave Harris.
    11 hours ago · Unlike · 1

    Kevin Burke So sorry andy.m will bring it back.. Bang to rights... I forgot you had a photo memory and can recall it through ypur artistic skills!
    10 hours ago · Like
