Saturday 30 June 2012

Green Tomatoes...

My tomato plants are growing. Tumblers; planted from seed, nurtured on the kitchen worktop, planted out in sturdy plastic troughs troughs, and kept in a cloche until the weather warmed a little. They’re outside now, lifted to the light on a thick strong wooden plank, up against the heat retaining back brick wall, and just beginning to make little green tomatoes. I always grow tumblers; they produce such small sweet fruits, but it isn’t the fruit I grow tomatoes for really – it’s the smell.

Tomato plants smell so green. I love to gather up the leaves in my hands, hold my hands to my face, and breathe in the lusciousness of the rich, clean aroma. If I were a man prone to having imaginings then that smell could take me anywhere – the Amazon Rainforest, a summer’s meadow after gentle rain, a lush fern-lined pool deep in an evening wood. What a smell my tomatoes have, it makes me giddy, it makes me smile – and yes, they are just tomato plants; nothing added, nothing else, simply the smell of greenness.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. ha-ha, for me it seems to be Sparks - and you?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Vicky Brickhill on Facebook:
    My grandad grew them in his greenhouse. Always loved the smell, reminds me of him.

    1. Mine did too Vicky, thought about writing about it but decided not to.

  3. Emma Choldemondley on Facebook: "Ahhhhh sweet memories. I often sniff tomatoes on the vine at the supermarket (weird I know) as it always reminds me of my wonderful Grandad. He would let us find the reddest, ripest, sweetest ones from the greenhouse mmmmmm they were lovely. Beats shop bought ones anyday."

    1. Grow some. Not cost effective but fun and fulfilling.
