Ah, the all-seeing eye. My thoughts, wide and windswept as they may be, are just a whisper in this universe of ours, my actions even less, almost silent. I enjoy this mediocrity, this lack of significance in that bigger picture. My own lack of significance. You know there really should be a mark to denote sarcasm. How about this :}
So why when I put ‘Dali Doodle’ into the Google image search and three of my doodles pop up at 3, 11, and 13 (beating even the Dali himself) do I bask in the warmth that these small pictures fill me to almost bursting with?.
Idiocy? Stupidity? Pride? Arrogance?
Well, I used to be a stupid, proud, arrogant, idiot until I lost my pride and had the arrogance kicked out of me by my superiors :} Did me good mind, like a dose of the liver salts or a dip in a bath full of ice cubes :} Yes, I’m a better person for it :}
The all seeing eye :}
Anyway my doodles are like my children, when finished I send them out into the world and forget them. Or at least I try to. After all they are just doodles, a few moments of my time and some ink, some blood, and my trusty felt tip pens and when God created felt tip pens he surpassed even sliced bread. Felt tips are truly the miracle of miracles.
But enough of my puerile pen perversions :}
If one of my children should turn up on your doorstep please take them in, have them nicely framed, and then hang them or beware the wrath of the all seeing eye.
Emma Cholmondeley on facebook
ReplyDeleteNever :-)
Can't promise never.
DeleteLindsey Messenger on Facebook:
ReplyDeleteNO you must,nt...love reading them, there always awesome, Anyway still waiting to read about mrs
about mrs sticks...has she branched out yet???"