Saturday 1 October 2011

Bring on the dancing girls...

You know your life is grinding to a halt when all you can think and talk about is the weather. So here's a few pictures of some exotic dancing girls to add a little interest to an otherwise quite dull post.

Yes, I know - any excuse. I say, raaaather.

Mind you the weather is quite a talking point what with the Indian summer and everything. I’ve always found that to be such a romantic phrase, it conjures up images of balmy nights by the Ganges and harem-panted dancing girls, hence the pictures above.

Not that I’ve ever been to the Ganges and as for the dancing girls – well, I better leave it at that I think, before my prose gets too purple. Not that the term 'Indian Summer' has anything to do with India, it doesn't. The Indians alluded to in the term are all North American apparently.

Phew, it’s been so hot, the hottest September I can remember and today is likely to be the hottest October day on record.

More proof that the seasons are changing, not that its unusual for the seasons to change we seem to forget that there were Roman vineyards in Lincolnshire and you could still skate on the Thames not much more than a hundred years ago.

The seasons aren’t as constant as we seem to think, but even so we still believe that summer should take place in summer and not in the autumn.

All of those weather phrases that I learnt at my grandmother’s knee, they don’t really seem to apply any more. We didn’t have showers in April, March didn’t come in like a lion or out like a lamb, and did June flame? I don't think so.

And what are the lyricists going to do if they can’t rely on having September in the rain or summer days being crazy, lazy, or hazy – just what does happen when spring doesn’t get sprung? And you can pretty much get tulips anytime of the year, even at Christmas, so no need to wait for spring or to go all the way to Amsterdam.

Amsterdam? Don't they have dancing girls in Amsterdam?

Oh well, it's this Indian summer. It'll always bring me back around to the dancing girls. Now where did I put my pretzels, and crackers, and beer?


  1. Ian Maclachlan commented on Facebook:
    Ian wrote: "All very Mata Hari. Wonder if they we all killed by firing squad too? Sorry to put a dampener on the weather."

  2. Mick Norman commented on Facebook.
    "Hmmm, not sure about 7, she looks like she has a face that could stop a clock!"
