Friday 4 June 2010

Just sitting…

The nice thing about being away is that you don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. I lead such a busy life, what with all the eating and sleeping, the chasing of miceys, trying to catch birdies, attempting to trip Hisfault up when he walks down the stairs that there isn’t much time for just sitting. So, the nice thing about being away is just having time to sit in the sun and do nothing and here I am doing just that – sitting in the sun doing nothing, just sitting doing nothing on Hisfault’s chair in the sun doing nothing, nothing at all, just nothing, nothing, boring old boring nothing, boring, boring, nothing, nothing, boring, nothing, nothing.

Ho-hum, nothing at all.

Well, that’s about as much of nothing as I can stand. What shall I do now? Perhaps I should see what I can with Hisfault’s tomato plant, I’ve always fancied myself as a bit of a gardener, I’ve got green paws you know. Maybe I should remove the leaves or shorten the stem - that might be fun.

Better than doing nothing anyway.


  1. Oh dear, I fear trouble lurks Misty.

  2. Tricia Kitt commented on Facebook:

    "this is total twaddle Andi as you know cats just LOVE doing nothing at all - for hours and hours..."
