Thursday 10 June 2010


Remember when you were small and everything seemed so much bigger? Trees were as tall as tall could be, wasps were the size of sparrows, grown-ups giants, rooms were for getting lost in, chocolate bars never quite big enough.

Remember how vast the world was, how threatening things could be, how full of detail and wonder?


It still is. Just get down on your hands and knees, up close, and take a good long look. Jungle is all around us, a prehistoric forest full of primordial fear and life.

Become a child again, take a closer look - remember.

1 comment:

  1. We've got some ferns and a giant hogweed at the bottom of our garden by the stream. I hate the hogweed but Derek likes it and won't let me chop it down.

    Last summer when I was strimming down there a snake shot out of the ferns and went across my foot, so I know what you mean about jungle.

    I screamed and Derek ran indoors.
