Sunday 4 April 2010

Spring scribbles...

Spring was in the air today, between the showers.

Blue skies, ponderous white-grey clouds threatening to catch me and my paper with a soaking, grass beginning to stir itself into a lively green and movement everywhere.

It’s the movement that interests me, the movement that I can feel around me but can’t quite see. The movement that is like an extension to the wind, a magnification of the shade and light as it passes over landscape. I feel the movement at the edges of my senses so strong that it should be with capital. Movement.

The Movement is the unseen inner life of the landscape - a sound of insects, the whisper of a breeze, a smell of something rotting on the wet land. It comes to the paper as scribbles in an attempt to catch everything; it’s moving all around.

I know it sounds pretentious or maybe a madness, but it’s what I feel when I’m drawing, the landscape broken down into a series of wiggly moving lines.

So here’s my latest scribble - Across the fields towards the mountains with a stone gatepost in the foreground. Don’t ask me what those dark smears over the field are, I have no idea. I simply felt and heard them as they passed in the air high above me.

Perhaps they’re echoes of bird song.


  1. Phil Ogden commented on Facebook:

    What medium did you use for this? V nice...

    (He wants my secrets)

  2. Philip Morgan commented on Facebook:

    Excellent scribble Andy - you should exhibit.

    (Perhaps there is a park fence just waiting for me somewhere).

  3. Jamie Morden commented on Facebook:

    "It's not 'pretentious or maybe a madness'...well, maybe a little ;-) You have a unique way of interpreting what you see...not only visually, but in words, which I believe is more difficult...when I read your blogs, i'm there...I see you understand how original you are?

    At work, it's the usual 'get things done' so we can pay the bills, but the way you bring to life a topic is inspiring...gotta' say it's refreshing think on a different level, almost 'lateral'...i'm hooked...want more!"
