Friday, 9 April 2010

Misty takes a tipple...

My Name’s Mizty and I’m a alcoololic… locoalic… cocolalic...

No um not. But I did fin this bozzle in the bin, an when I snivved the top, it tayted so goo lat I jus had to lickety poo an when I didz I fell all dippety lippety.

Whay iz tis stuff? Fudies and Hizfluff drinks it all time, praps thax why they goes aw wobbley when theyz had a too foo glazzes. Iz not water. Iz not milks. It muz be chin chin. Thaz what Hisflap sez whnhe giz Fodles a glazz.

Chin chin, down thatych, bottms up… it muz be one of those. Oh well. Whazever, I thinn I nee to snooze ths off. Cheeeeerrrs!



  1. I've just licked the bottle of that funny stuff I found in the kitchen, know what you mean Misty

  2. Drawforjoy Illustrations commented Facebook:

    "Misty in the sun light!"
