Monday 30 March 2020

Lost in time...

They say that there is no time like the present (mindfulness baby) and ain't that the truth. Particularly now as the past is just a happy memory, the future uncertain and the present confusing as fuck. Live in the moment (yea, mindfulness baby) is what we are often told, but what exactly is the moment? Come to that does anybody have any idea what day of the week it is or the date or even the month? And then just as you were past caring to top it all you wake up and the clocks have gone forward a whole hour (bong, bong, bong, bong).

My body clock is buggered. I'm not sure if it's the 12th of never, the day they burned old Dixie down, or Blursday the Fortyteenth of Maprilay. It's like living in a time warp (do you remember doing it, shall we do it again)? We have all become prisoners of time. Dr Who without the travel, voyagers through the time tunnel without a final destination, Quantum Leaping into nowhere. Yes, there is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. They are controlling transmission. If they wish to make it louder, they will bring up the volume. If they wish to make it softer, they will tune it to a whisper. They will control the horizontal. They will control the vertical. They can roll the image, make it flutter. They can change the focus to a soft blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity. No, this isn't The Twilight Zone, this is the real wowd (as The Jam once sang).

It's all repeats on TV time, canned spam fritter time, Keep Calm and dig in time, zombie time, apocalypse time, end of the world as we know it time. But what bloody time is it really? What day, which week, what month, is it still 2020 or 1918 or 1984 or is it Hammer time? (Yes, they can't touch me, hammer time).

Yes, Doctor, I'll come quietly. You want me to put this on? What a nice jacket. What are the straps for?

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