Monday 9 March 2020

Digging a hole...

Today is one of those days, a non-blogging day. I get them about once a week and I'd forgotten just how hard blogging is when you try to do it daily. So no blog today. But as you are here...

Now, where did I put that spade?

International Women's Day. Just what is that about? Now, I know that this isn't going to win me any popularity contests but do we really need it in the UK? Do we need a team of women staff running the Flying Scotswoman (renamed especially for the occasion)?

The original aim of IWD – to achieve full gender equality for the women of the world – has still not been realised after almost 100 years. A gender pay gap persists across the globe and women are still not present in equal numbers in business or politics. Figures show that globally, women’s education, health and violence towards women is still worse than that of men. But most women have the vote, can own property and belongings, and can wear trousers to work (I wore a skirt to work once. It didn't go well) But a train, really?

Besides, I really do believe that women have a different role to play in society to men and that makes it a little more complicated (again no popularity prizes here for that one, so wait for it...) and that role is motherhood. Now, motherhood is sought (some might say demanded) by lots of women and that disrupts their lives significantly, particularly in work and promotion terms. But it's their choice (usually) to have kids and they do bleat on about it and how hard it is to be a working mum (this hole is getting deeper). I appreciate their efforts, but why should the world be changed to accommodate their maternal needs? If they want an equal playing field (like this one I'm currently digging my own grave in) then have it by all means. But don't expect your company or organisation to stand still while you are at home cooing over your kid. To my mind, this is a huge freedom for women and one that men (whilst there is paternity leave on offer these days) don't need and in most cases even want (bloody hell, it's getting dark down here).

So why all the Ra-Ra women thing? Of course, men have responded with International Men's Day (19 November, just so you know guys) but that's just bloody silly too. In fact even sillier than IWD (mind you, thinking about it maybe it's all drinking beer and telling jokes, finishing up with a fight about football and a kebab, Not such a bad idea at all then).

The thing is, where does this end in these gender-fluid times? We already have Gay Pride Days (all rainbows and flamboyant gestures), Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day (whatever the great god Pan that is), even International Drag Day. So why not, 'I Can't Make My Bloody Mind Up What Sex Or Sexual Preference I Am Day?

Anyway, as I'm still digging (bloody hell, is that a kangaroo?) is it just me that thinks all of these days compound the problem of difference rather than flattening things out? What does it matter who or what we are, so why focus on it by having a specific day?

And with that, I'll lay down my spade.

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