Sunday 8 March 2020

Better Red Than...

Aren't dictatorships terrible? They take away your freedom and often you live in fear of that knock on the door or speaking out about something you disagree with. Well, yes, maybe, probably, but is so-called democracy any better? Just because we vote our leaders in does that mean that we are somehow superior and that they are better at representing our interests? Do Bozza Johnson and Donnie Trump really have the best interests of the (their)  people at heart or are they simply representing themselves and intent in getting their own way through whatever means possible whether it be lies, damned lies, statistics, misdirection, sleight of hand, buffoonery, bullying, threats or even Jesus (Amen, hallelujah, baloney)? When we are living in a democracy (in the free world - Amen, hallelujah, baloney) do we not worry about that knock on the door and can we say what we think without fear of repercussion or censorship any longer? (Amen, hallelujah, baloney).

Oh dear, what a lot of questions (are you thinking yet? Really thinking, you know for yourselves, thinking your own thoughts, not what you have been told by experts, politicians, idiots, your mate down the pub, silly women on silly TV programmes, silly men on silly TV programmes, the papers, the internet, your company, your kid's school, your kids after they've been told by their school, your doctor, his doctor, his doctors doctor, anyone at all just as long as you don't have to think for yourself and take responsibility for your own life?). Are you THINKING now, or are you happy to let somebody else do the thinking for you because it's so, so, soooo much easier and therefore not your fault?

Okay, just where is this going (another bloody question) and what's the news on the street (yet another one)? Well, as yet the street isn't littered in corpses (as yet you note), but let's just go back to that dictatorship thing. I'm beginning to think that people don't want to have to make decisions for themselves and that they would rather be told what to do by 'experts' (you know educated experts that know what is what, know everything actually - and is that baaing I can hear?). 

China seems to have this Coronavirus in control, just how did they manage that I wonder? Well, China is a dictatorship and they don't mess about, when they want to control something then they control it. They shut down whole provinces, they weld the doors to apartment blocks closed so that nobody can get in or out and the army stands outside armed with machine guns. In short, they contain and control for the greater good. On the flip side (the good side but not by Western standards), they build massive hospitals in days - not years, they isolate the infected, they block travel into the country, they shut schools and they home-school, they make sure that people at risk don't have to go out by making sure they have enough food. Of course, if you break the rules then they will shoot you and probably burn your body, but it seems fair enough to me in light of the alternative and potential extinction.

Italy seems to be going the same way (eventually) but they've never been a democracy really have they? (by the way, keep a metre apart or you may go to jail - no better place to catch it really).

So, just what does our wonderful island democracy do? Well, firstly they deny that there is anything to worry about, then the 'experts' advise us to wash our hands and sing happy birthday (twice), they smilingly tell us not to panic buy (despite not telling the truth about 'discussions' they are meant to have had with supermarkets and self-isolate but don't stock up on anything before you do), they don't close schools, they allow Crufts to go-ahead, they continue to allow people to travel in and out of the country freely, at will, willy nilly, they mumble that if we think we have 'IT' that we should maybe self-isolate (whatever that means as there is little information around what that maybe is), our sports events and concerts continue, people go off to work each day up and down the country, sick people WILL be attending those meetings, there WILL be sick workers in factories and office blocks, etc, etc, etc. But don't worry, keep washing your hands and singing Happy Birthday (twice). That should stop it!

There is no clear guidance on the reality of the situation and it's all dependent on who you listen to and what YOU want to hear - ADVICE: THINK FOR YOUR-BLOODY-SELVES PEOPLE, stop bleating and saying you can't do anything to change it, you are not selfish order-taking, dummies.

At last, they (the experts) are finally admitting that it's unlikely that we will avoid an epidemic but to keep your chins up and don't panic and carry on (ra- ra- ra). I wonder who knows that the Spanish Flu of 1918 (5 million dead) was so hushed up by our government that there were bodies on the streets and all of the hospitals were full (corridors and basements and all). We all know that our current government are cheats and liars but we still nod and listen to their platitudes and mumblings. What a bunch of hopeless virovankers we all are, it makes me wonder if a dictatorship might keep us alive whereas our totally fake and stupidly democratic domestic approach may become the real problem for us and not the virus at all.

Yes, I'm a bit cross, a bit cross and worried, a bit cross and worried that I'm not being told the truth, a bit cross and worried that I'm not being told the truth and pissed off by all us stupid British sheep keeping calm carrying on as always and baaaing happily whilst they might be being led to the slaughterhouse by their own trusting laziness and stupidity. 

My advice: stay out of harm's way as much as possible, don't invite the virus in, don't mix with other people, and wake up and think! Maybe we really do need a touch of martial law because if it gets a hold that will happen.

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