Saturday 21 March 2020

Hopes and...

I get this feeling that a lot of people are changing, some for the worse but lots of others for the better maybe. I'm hoping that something good will come out of all of this shit, but as I've been around a while and leant that 'white man (in fact most men) speak with forked tongue' I'm as ever, cynically optimistic.

But hey, times of trouble drive change, maybe not forever but at least for a while and that refreshes us as animals who strive to be better than a virus occasionally, maybe, perhaps. So, in true Miss World tradition (yes, I have my tits propped up and my capped teeth are all shiny - ding!) here is my initial list for the changes I'd like to see after the deaths are done and social distancing is just a silly thing we once had to do to avoid the deaths (yes, another fruiting top ten list, so brace yourselves).

1 - I hope that we get leaders we can trust. No Trumps, really importantly no Trumps, and no old-style Boris, no despots, dictators, dicks, or tyrannical types. I know that's a lot to ask given that so many people are so easily fooled (and stupid to the core) all of the time, but it's my number one. I have to say that I'm impressed with Boris so far in this crisis. (It can't be easy going from Brexit buffoon to trying to lead us out of the mire in just a few weeks). He still bumbles like a demented drunk bee, but it's bumbling with a purpose.

2 - I hope that religion fooks off (that should read fucks but it's an offensive word - religion that is). Praying solves nothing and God? Well, I don't want to cover that dirty, muddy, swampy, shit ground all over again. But I hope that people resolve the blind faith they insist upon and start thinking for themselves and not reading a bunch of dusty fairy stories and sending out hopes and totally ineffectual prayers as if that's 'job done'. 

3 - Well, that's politics and religion out of the way, so what about money? Okay, I hope that people appreciate it more, not for what they don't do with it but for what they can do with it. Life is not a balance sheet, there is not profit and loss. If you have some money then do some good with it, for yourself, for others, for anyone but the bankers and investment people. Why pursue something that you don't need? If you need it, then go for it, but don't ever just amass it and do nothing with it.

4 - I hope that people have new values. Who cares how your eyebrows look, what you weigh, the nail colour you have on today, your latest bag, shoes, designer clothes. Who cares how big your house is, how old your car is, who wins that game, or what expensive resort that you are going to on holiday? Who cares, when there are a lot more valuable things to care about? (you can all make your own list I expect). 

5 - I hope that we all appreciate, just a little more, what we have, for what it is, and what it all means to each of us.

6 - I hope that people begin to face the truth without fear and become more realistic. I beg your pardon but I never promised you a rose garden, so don't pretend life is one because it's really not a lot of the time. Just be real, think and accept, think and fight, but don't not think and do nothing whilst you hum a happy meaningless tune, smell imaginary roses, smile vacuously, and make inane comments. 

7 - I hope that we appreciate how fragile things really are and start to recognise how tiny we are to this planet, not to mention to the infinite universe. We are lucky to be here, lucky to live, lucky to share this world with such wonderful other creatures who hardly ever harm us and yet some of us kill them to grind up their horns to (as they, ridiculously believe) make them hornier. I really hope that we begin to share this world with all creatures 

8 - I hope that we can all get on better with each other regardless of religion, race, creed, sexuality, and physical and mental appearance. Ultimately we are all the same and as fragile as each other.

9 - I hope that we each take responsibility for ourselves and share a world view of what is right and wrong. Do wrong if you will, but do it honestly and accept the consequences. Do right if you will, but do it honestly and accept the consequences.

9 - I hope that the word 'love' comes to mean just that in all it's many forms. It's not just a word or a Beatles song, it's a lifeline. 

10 - Lastly, I hope that my hopes are made real for all of the people who survive whatever this is and wherever it's going.

And that (my dear friends - no italics) is the vote of this one-man jury. I hope that you find it acceptable and make me Miss World.

Have hope.

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