Monday 9 September 2013

Dreaming, sleeping, slipping...

Of course, not everything is exactly as it seems. Things that you think are permanent and solid can slip and slide into something else, something that you don’t and can’t recognise unless you look too closely.

It’s all about the masks isn’t it? Those masks that people wear to make them appear more acceptable, believable, honest. The sleepy cunning smiles of pretend innocents who have lived a life so full of lies that the truth is not even a memory. Sweet old liars living in a world sculpted by wishful thinking, self righteousness, convenient Alzheimer like forgetfulness, uninformed opinion, habitual habit. Such a pity… and pity? Well, at times that’s what I feel although most of the time it’s disgust.

Don’t worry, I haven't lost sight of the sunshine. It’s only a ponder; something to mull over now that the nights are on the cusp of autumn and starting the drawing in. It’s not real, just a sleeping slippage really. A dream.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't really expect anybody to comment on this. Sometimes i think I should just stick to writing about the weather and ignore all the other stuff that goes on in my head.
