Sunday 7 March 2010

Black Jacks and Fruit Salads...

Black Jacks or Fruit Salads? Down at the bottom shop octagonal three-penny piece in my hand I have to make a decision. Black Jacks or Fruit Salads? Or a mixture of both? Two for a penny, six for thrupence. Which should it be?

A mixture of both, it always was, it had to be. Such different tastes, such a different look to each.

Black Jacks – black as faded coal, liquorice and sweet, the taste of far away desert islands. Gollys and palm trees on the black and white waxed wrapper – sticky and exotic, at least that’s the way I remember them. Summer, hot, hot summer - tar melting fluid in the road, sticking to the bottoms of my sandals and walked into the house.

‘Get out! Get out!’ She says shaking a broom at me, so out to the kerbside to sit and eat Black Jacks with Jimmy Braham. Chewing, chewing, chewing.

Fruit salads – pink and fruity. Pineapple, orange, and melon melded into a sticky chew. And the only pineapple I’d ever seen - a chunk inside a tin of syrup - and never as a boy did I see a melon. What was melon anyway? Was it like an apple?

Small sweet rectangles of fruit fields in much hotter lands where women wore brightly patterned cotton shawls bound around their heads, the men sucking on sugar cane from rich dusty fields.

Summer, wet, wet summer. Watching Blue Peter with Jackie Woods in the living room at Kings Close - Beep, Booster, Petra the dog, and Uncle Chris and Auntie Valery.

Black Jacks, Fruit Salads - how each of their tastes make my memories flow like childhood saliva. I bought some today. A mixed packet with both. Black Jacks and Fruit Salads in a single pre-packed bag, not the small white paper bag passed to me by Mr Bingham at the corner sweet shop – “Thrupence please young man.” He's saying as he smiles down at me.

The wrappers may have changed – not a Golly in sight, nor palm trees, or badly printed pineapples - but the taste was just the same. Delicious!

So how about you? Which would you choose? Black Jacks or Fruit Salads?


  1. Ooh, that's a really difficult decision. I agree that you have to have both. Black Jacks turned your teeth & gums a shade of grey though so maybe not a great look for today.

  2. It would have to be both for me. But it's like I always say, life is like a pre-packed bag of Black Jacks and Fruit Salads; You never know what you're going to get.

  3. Facebook string:

    Sarah Rook: Definitly black jacks and then running round showing your black tongue off!!!

    Cloe Height: fruit salads. sweet and fruity

    Sue Mcnally: fruit salads

    Lissa Tam: Fruit salad all the way!

    Mike King: black jacks FTW!

  4. Black Jacks for me. Much more sophisticated than Fruit Salads. Fruit Salads were for girls.
    You reminded me about my local sweet shop. The owner didn't have a name- everyone called him the 'Jew Man'. Seems strange & rather un-PC now, but I didn't think anything of it at the time.
    By the way, I think it was Bleep & Booster not Beep.

  5. You are right that wasn't very PC, but nor is that wrapper for Black Jacks - and it was Bleep... smart A.

  6. Philip Heslehurst commented on Facebook:

    "With my 10p pocket money I used to get 5 of each. Does that help ?"

    ... And I could get 48 for my 10p (2 shillings)! Now that is a deal of inflation!

  7. Mike King commented on Facebook:

    "I'm with Phil on this one, Blackjacks and Fruit Salads were 1/2p each, ahh happy days... when Monster Munch was 8p a bag :)"
