Friday 26 February 2010

Puss in books...

Who says cats can’t read?

I like nothing better than a good book. Adventure stories are my favourites, something like 'Moby Cat' – and then there’s the classics, 'A Tail of Two Kitties' is one of my favourites and of course science fiction, who could forget 'The Paw of the Worlds?' Sometimes I read Mistery novels and once a romance. I didn't really get on with that - too much bodice ripping for my liking.

Still, I’ve always got my nose stuck into some book or other, I’d go as far as to say I’m a real bookworm – not that I’m at all wormlike but that is the correct term I believe. It’d be more accurate in my case if it was bookcat or bookkitty, but then we academics can’t have it all our own way.

This book is very interesting, it’s a story about a gentleman cat burglar who steals from the landed gentry, robbing them of their jewels and money and never seeming to get caught. Not at all like me! Whenever I try to hissing snaffle anything – a piece of fish, or some cream, or a sausage - I always get hissing caught and Hisfault and Foodies are always shooing me away from something or other. Don’t they know that sharing is a good thing? Perhaps I should write a book about them. Now what would I call it? How about 'A Passage to Idiot' or 'The Odd Couple' - no that one's already been done.

Oh well, back to my reading… thing is, after a line or two I always begin to feel sleepy… I’ve been reading this book for six weeks now and still haven’t got past the first chapter.

Oh well… There’s plenty of time for reading later, after all this books not going anywhere and neither am I… z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z


  1. Linda Kemp commented on Facebook:

    "he has to open the book? Ours seem to read by sitting on the book or magazine - some sort of osmosis I guess....."

    And later corrected:

    "sorry She! - lost a letter!"

  2. Misty, I recommend Orlando - a damn good read.

  3. I am fascinated by other people's reading material but sadly cannot discern the title of Misty's current bookchoice.

  4. A passage to India - E.M. Forster, Michelle.

  5. Tricia Kitt commented on Facebook:

    "mine are heat magnets - Chivers (marmalade one, no imagination in our house) likes to move to each fresh upholstered/cushioned chair as he filthies up the previous one, whereas Chloe just spreads white fur over the hot spot in front of the fire (dark blue carpet) - or my lap if I'm wearing something dark..."

  6. Such an intelligent cat.
