Just look at her sat by the pond watching that fish. She won’t get it; we’ve put a net over. Poor fish, it’s probably terrified. Leave the poor thing alone Misty, it must be over fifteen years old…
“Come here fishy-wishy. Come to me so that I can have you on my dishy. I bet you taste really delishy. Come to me fishy-wishy.
Mmmmm… just look at it swimming around down there, all big and gold and juicy. If it would only come this way I think I could just about reach in and get it. Silly hissing Hisfault, does he really think this stupid flimsy net will stop me? I could rip it to shreds in an instant with my long, sharp, claws, if I wanted to… but where would be the sport in that? Best of all, fishes can’t hear bells – not like the birds, I could catch a bird if it wasn’t for this hissing bell, and I did catch a bee the other day – OUCH!
No I’ll do it the hard way. Wait for it to come close so that I can reach down, lift the net, and tickle it out of the water with my claws. I can’t wait to see it all flippy-floppy out of the water. What fun! Such sport! Fish don’t sting do they?
Softly, softly, catchey monkey. Or fish in this case. Not that I’ve ever caught a monkey. I’ve never even seen one. I’m not even sure what a monkey is… but that’s what Hisfault says sometimes… softly, softly, catchey monkey.
Mind you, I’ll have to get past the guard. Now that is clever. These stone cats don’t fool me, but who’d have thought that they’d have put another cat inside that wet stuff to guard the fish? Damn fine looking cat it is to. Very noble, obviously well bred, reminds me a little of myself.
Just look at him watching me whiskers all a’quiver, he’s trying to stare me out. Well he can try, but he won’t win. I am king of the starers, a veritable starer hero, the cat who knows no staring limits.
What was that? Oh, look there it goes – just under that bit of weed. If I can just reach out… come on fishy-wishy, come to Misty Moo.
Drat! That other cat is reaching out to stop me, moving its paw to stop me getting some lovely golden nin-nins. Go away cat! Go way! It’s no use.
Purrhaps if I just move to the other side of the pond…”
She’s going to fall in if she’s not careful. Look at her edging around the pond. It’s no good I’ll have to make her stop. She’ll scare that poor fish to death and probably drown herself in the process.
“Come away Misty, come away.”
Stupid Hisfault making me come away just as I was about to make a swipe, I would have caught it if it wasn't for Hisfault. Then I could've told my friends about the fish i caught, that was this big(paws stretched as far apart as possibe). Stupid Hisfault.
ReplyDeletePoor Misty - nature made her to hunt things and Hisfault puts a bell on her and covers the pond with a net. She must be very stressed out.
ReplyDeleteShe's stressed out! How do you think I feel knowing that my cat is using my laptop to read about herself and comment?
ReplyDeleteCan I have no secrets from that creatute?