Wednesday 21 March 2012

Jack of clubs...

I’m finding it very hard to write at the moment. I think in part it is because my life isn’t as various as it once was, but more importantly because I have stopped seeing as much as I used to. It’s as if my sight has somehow become flat and even the most interesting things have become ordinary.

I used to see potential blog posts everywhere and when I saw one my heart would quicken and the words would begin to pour – gush in some cases, gush so much that it turned into one of those ramblers that I guess nobody really read.

For instance last Wednesday as I stumbled on my weary way to Greysville I passed a playing card, not an Alice-in-Wonderland, walking, talking, type card you understand – just a playing card discarded on a suburban street. The Jack of clubs to be precise; a solitary fellow just sitting on the tarmac of the path as if he were waiting for something of someone to come along.

As I passed him I glanced down, saw him, but didn’t really take him in. It was only when I was another hundred yards down the road that I realised that I had to turn back and pick him up. Who knows, he might have been a message, or a lucky charm, or a warning? I picked him up and put him in the pocket of my jacket, all warm and snug.

The Jack of clubs – the card of shame. Shame is dangerous. One need not be ashamed of oneself; there are many other things in this Universe that demand attention, and warrant more. But there he was anyway – Mr. Shame, the Jack of clubs.

I still have him. He’s still there, wrapped within the black waterproof fabric lining of my coat, waiting to fulfil whatever part of my destiny he’s been sent to fulfil. He may have a story or two to tell, who knows? He may even have a purpose. Maybe I’ll work it out and maybe I won’t.

What do you think?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think that the cards work in mysterious ways Sparkle.

  2. Paul Whitehouse on Facebook:
    That'll be masturbation that has caused that...happened to me !

  3. Maggie Patzuk on Facebook:

    In the Tarot, the Jack of Clubs corresponds to the Knight of Wands -

    On the positive side, the Knight of Wands is full of energy and life. He's never afraid to try something new and will reach for all the gusto he can. Others may shake their heads at his crazy stunts, but they still admire his courage and passion. He's sexy and irresistible...always the charmer. On the negative side, this Knight is a little too sure of himself and his abilities. He tends to be shallow and thoughtless. Don't expect a deep commitment from him. He's also reckless and irresponsible. He acts without thinking and constantly gets in trouble because of his temper.

    In readings, a Knight of Wands shows that his confident, passionate style is involved in the situation as an aspect of you, someone else or the atmosphere in general. You need to ask yourself, "Is this Knight's energy helping or hurting?"

    If his style is evident, then balance is needed. Is your confidence really cockiness? Are you angry and impatient all the time? Are you crazy about someone whom you know is going to break your heart? Is your company rushing into something risky with no preparation? It may be time for a change.

    If this Knight's energy is missing, a dose of passion and daring may be called for. Are you in a rut? Try something new. Are you always planning every last detail? Wing it next time. Are you working too hard? Go out and have some fun. Let the Knight of Wands introduce you to his world of adventure, excitement and risk.

    1. I wonder what is in store then Maggie?

  4. Richard Shore on Facebook:
    The ramblers were always my favorite. You give a bit of yourself away with every one.

  5. Della Jayne Roberts on Facebook ♣
    The Jack of Clubs is often called the Card of the Future
