Friday 9 July 2010

Rainy day…

Well I would go out, but it’s raining and windy, so I think I’ll stay indoors. It looks horrible out there. What should I do I wonder? I could have a little sleep I suppose, or I could play a game of charging around, I like playing charging around - up the stairs, around the bedrooms, up the curtains, across the hall, onto the sideboard, on top of the Teleboxthing, into the kitchen, under the table, and then some nice nin-nins as a charging around reward.

There that’s my day sorted – a game of charging around, some nin-nins, and a nice long sleep. Who needs the outside anyway? Just look at that rain.

1 comment:

  1. I'd stay in if I was you Misty - and could you send me that rain you have there as my garden needs it!
