Thursday 27 February 2020

The juggly farty show...

Welcome to The Juggly Farty Show. I have no idea what it is but it's one of those odd thoughts that popped into my mind accompanied by an image of the Python team in tails juggling and wafting their arms about, dropping their balls and farting. You get the picture? Is it firmly lodged there in your head? Yes? Okay, then I'll continue then...

As I say I have no idea what The Juggly Farty Show actually is (or even how to spell it) although I think it may be a metaphor for life (god I'm so very, very deep and I use actually quite a lot actually). Life is all about juggling. Juggling family and work, sleep and task, happiness and depression, healthy food and chips, all that good juggling shit that we all have to go through each day, every day, forever and ever, Amen.

Pretty farty isn't it?

Sometimes I wonder why we bother even thinking about what we are doing. When you are in The Juggly Farty Show there isn't really a script to follow and all you can hope for is that you keep  everything in the air and don't follow through when a bottom burp creeps out of your bum. And we all make bottom burps no matter how good we are at juggling, and sometimes, oh my goodness, they smell so stinky.

Yes, we all stink up at times too. I think it's called being human (fallible, misguided, simply bloody-minded, stinky, stinky, poo-poo, cacky-arsed misnomers), doing what we do to the best of our ability and inevitably sometimes dropping the monkey but keeping them up most of the time or as best we can. We are all juggling our monkeys (well, it keeps them off our backs) and I think that is what The Juggly Farty Show is also all about - keeping those bloody monkeys off our backs.

Life is not simple (there I go again stating the obvious), it's actually full of twists and setbacks and small and large triumphs, a many-coloured wonderful tapestry of dark and light actually, actually (did I mention I use actually quite a lot?). It's actually quite a hard thing to do and sometimes the continual juggling gets on top of us and we become farty, wallowing around in our own stink as our bottoms talk and insist that we listen to the noises our own arses make and then along come the monkeys and jump on our backs.

The monkeys are different for us all (even if the farts are much the same) regrets, guilt, worries, anxieties, work problems, health problems, money problems and on and on and on. Just watch them scampering around eating our bananas and laughing at all of us, the stars of the Juggly Farty Show.

Anyway, I've rambled on with this nonsense for long enough now (actually) so I'll get to the point. There is no getting out of The Juggly Farty Show (well, there is but I don't recommend that), so instead just go with it and keep juggling those monkeys. Just keep juggling and weather the breaking of the wind. Sometimes it can make you feel good to cut one, let rip, drop a bomb, especially if you manage to keep juggling while you do it.

And that is The Juggly Farty Show probably (actually).

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