Saturday 1 February 2020

A Fresh Start...

Hello, blog, it's me your creator, but you can call me God if you like. Did you think I'd forsaken you? Left you out in the wordless desert to languish on a blog cross? Well, I did. But now I feel that I may need you again, an outlet for all the outs I have that need letting. Yes, it's been a while but that doesn't mean I'd forgotten you. I visit you often and there I am, all the past of me, an army of me, different from week to week, day by day sometimes, a chameleon comedian of caricature (I know I borrowed that from Bowie and I left out Corinthian as I'm not at all sure what it is). But you are my real story, my bible of biblical bullshit.

So, are you up for it? Do you want to give it another go? Should we go 'round again and see what comes out this time? It's all a bit daunting I know, but now I've outranted my Brexit rant, have given up on the US and Trump, am bored by Boris, and am even questioning the false idol of The Lovespell Challenge (you can't be honest and you can't question or learn) I find myself turning to you once more - maybe - if you agree that is.

I know that you get me. I know that you understand. You've saved me before (a collection of Green Shield stamps of every colour and hue) and I'm hoping that you can save me again. maybe you can even get my creativity river flowing again, all that plastic has seemed to block it. Perhaps we could even talk about the environment, climate change, cakes, terrible neighbours, memories, Christmas television ads, and even get a bit sweary as we did in the good old days. I'm up for it, how about you? Let's go 'round again. Maybe we'll turn back the hands of time. Let's go 'round again. One more time.

Have a think and let me know.

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