Wednesday 19 February 2020

Blog struggle...

It's one of those blog struggle days. The sort of day when I can't think of anything that I really want to blog about. I did consider the Royal Family, but then I thought, no, wait for Edward to do a Schofield and come out officially or a jolly good royal divorce (as opposed to a royal divorce nobody really gives a shit about ). Charles and Camilla would be nice, or perhaps Ginger and his keeper.

Then I thought about Trump, but what can be said about him that he hasn't already said or tweeted about himself? He's bigly on Twitter and awesomely awesome in every way apart from personality, good looks, and brain cells.

Of course, there's always HS2 and how we are probably going to get China to build it for us (not that it needs building at all). Odd, because we are a great engineering country, or so I'm told. We build our own ships, planes, ships, make our own steel, ships (did I mention ships? ) mine our own coal - mind you I am stuck in the fifties (hence the drape jacket, DA, and brothel creepers), and China is just place where they grow rice and communism. I don't even know what a takeaway is (is it a chippy where they serve battered sausages made from snake and bat meat or is that Walls)?

Obviously, from here I thought about Coronavirus (or COVID-19 as it is now called - sounds like a biological weapon, which it probably is) but people don't really want to consider that it may be as bad as the Spanish Flu of 1918 where a mere fifty million people died from it worldwide. Yes, let's not cause a panic, I'll pretend I'm an Ostrich instead.

Brexit? Nah, let's leave that alone, we gonna get screwed but it seems that half of the country (the M in the S&M half) are content with living on an island that is slowly sinking beneath our mighty Brittanic waves.

Boris and his bunch of misfits and weirdos? Well, all I can really think is that he's replicating his school and Oxford days (Come on chaps, let's all drop our trousers and have a pork sword tournament ). Come on Boris get on with it. I know, let's treat Britain like it's just another restaurant to smash up or build a bridge to Ireland.

The storms? Flooding? Climate disaster? Well, I would, but I'm sure that there are a lot of people out there who will say it's just a bit of weather and global warming is just fake news and it was worse in the thirties.

I could go on, but I won't because I've decided not to blog today. So instead here's a picture of a happy piglet (I hope David Cameron isn't reading this,  it's only a piglet Dave).

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