Thursday 12 December 2013

13 sleeps to go - Humbug...

Each year at around this time I begin to think about A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Some years I read the book. Other years I watch the film. Sometimes I do both. Of course, when I say the film I’m not talking Muppets or musical or CGI, I’m talking about the REAL film starring Alec Guinness.

I must have been about six when I first saw this example of British film making at its very best and I’ve never been able to forget the marvellous, frightening, heart-warming imagery. It essence it sums up Christmas better than any film I’ve ever seen. But then how could it fail, given that A Christmas Carol in many ways defined Christmas as we know it today?

Dickens really did move on what was basically a Christian religious festival without any wassail and plum pudding and made it a jolly good time. In fact I think that Dickens has more to do with the Christmas that most of us celebrate than Jesus ever did.

As for the poor: ‘Are there no prisons?’ And as for Christmas: ‘Bah, humbug!’ (Not really.)


  1. Richard Shore on FB
    I read A Christmas Carol to Liz every year, but I substitute in lines from A Muppet Christmas Carol. It amuses me while she snores away.

    1. Andrew Height
      Christmas is a very busy time for us, Mr. Richard Shore. People preparing feasts, giving parties, spending the mortgage money on frivolities. One might say that December is the foreclosure season. Harvest time for the money-lenders.

    2. Andrew Height
      By the way. Then what do you do?

    3. Maxine Noble on FB
      Only you !!!!! Lol x

    4. Andrew Height
      I have no idea what you mean Madame.

    5. Richard Shore on FB
      Carry on Christmas

  2. Ian Maclachlan on FB
    The best profile pick change yet! Keep it for Christmas.

  3. Sandra Bouguerch on FB
    Dr Calagarie...I wrote about that expressionist film in first year at uni.

    Sandra Bouguerch
    Or is it Dr Who? ??

  4. Liz Shore on FB
    But the poor would rather die than go there!

  5. Carmel Payne on FB
    Just had this on for the year 4's yesterday ......brilliant !
