Thursday 14 February 2013

Affairs of the heart…

So let’s get straight to the heart of the matter; I’ve become cynical. Hard to believe I know, but yes, it’s Valentine’s Day again and speaking from the heart I’m getting a little tired of it all. You see, when it comes to matters of the heart, I really can’t put my heart into it at all these days and it comes straight from the heart when I say that Valentine’s Day isn’t for the faint-hearted like me. Mind you, I’ve never been one to wear my heart on my sleeve, some might even say that I’m a little hard-hearted and, in my heart-of-hearts, I might even agree with them.

I don’t think it was always this way. There were times when I could romance to my heart’s content with the best of them - flowers, jewellery, and of course grand pointless gestures.  Although I’ve never been what you would call a heartthrob, a real heart-breaker, but back in the day I had the odd sweetheart or two or three. Yes, when it comes to tugging at those old heartstrings, I’ve had my moments. I even seem to remember being heartbroken – or was that indigestion?

No, I haven’t become this jaded without knowing a little about heartache. So my heart goes out to all young lovers and the young at heart today. I wonder if they know what’s coming to them. Maybe I should give them the benefit of my experience - have a heart to heart, pour my heart out a little. I wonder if I’d mention my own heavy heart and how if I could swap places then I would there in a heartbeat. Sad to think that somehow my heart’s desire has slipped away over all the years, although I’m not eating my heart out over it I’m afraid. I’m too old to be broken-hearted, too close to real heart trouble - and far too stone-hearted to follow my heart even if I was listening to it – thump, thump, thump.

Don’t they say that you should listen to your heart? Well, it’s been quite a time since my heart has missed a beat over anything. These days I’m more interested in food than romance. But sometimes it’s nice to remember the old days, heart-warming in many ways. Not as nice as pan fried escallops of pork in a peppercorn and cream sauce though. There’s nothing like a hearty meal at the end of the day and I’m hoping with all my heart that pork is on the menu for tea – not heart though. Yes, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, so as long as it’s not with a kitchen knife. Ah, a nice Valentine’s dinner, perhaps I’ll even light a couple of candles and stick a rose on the table next to the ketchup.

That’s heartening; perhaps I’m a little more romantic than I thought.


  1. Well, CEH texted to say that she liked it.

  2. I've always been a bit half-hearted about Valentine's day.
