Sunday 8 May 2011

A skeleton went into a bar…

You may know that I am keeping a record of my dreams. Mostly my dreams are about my old job and the people I worked with, there’s usually some low building involved often a white building in ruins. Sometimes I’m in a fast car high above a city on a road without any barriers at night... and I seem to spend far too much time without any trousers on, or sometimes any clothes at all.

No stop. Don’t even try to analyse or picture it.

I used to have floating dreams but I haven’t had one of those for a while now. In my floating dreams I would move along corridors only six inches or so above the floor and (like the old daleks) I was unable to float up stairs.

Dreams – they are all to do with brain waves. It’s well known that we dream in 90 minute cycles. I know that I do because I wake up throughout the night about every ninety minutes or so after my initial ‘wake’ of four-thirty. I know that I’ve been dreaming and that my delta brainwave frequencies have increased to the frequency of theta brainwaves. I can’t exactly feel the rapid eye movement (REM which is characteristic of active dreaming not just a nineties band) but I think I can hear the echo of a flutter when I awake.

I've decided that as well as my record I may as well draw what I see. The surrealists did this, using self-hypnosis and drugs to access their subconscious in a waking state and often recording their dreams on waking - and if it is good enough for Dali then it is good enough for me.

Recently I’ve been meeting an odd character in my dreams, I used to meet a princess regularly but these days –well, that’s him with his head in that funny lumpy thing he calls an arm. Sometimes he’s there at the start of a dream and tells me what is going to happen, and at other times he pops up at the end of a dream to tell me to wake up. He’s not as awful as he might look despite his habit of flaring into flame every now and again, and he has a really bad sense of humour. He sounds a bit like Michael McIntyre, oddly though I can never remember the punch lines to his jokes (a lot like Michael McIntyre then).

Last night he told me a joke about a skeleton who went into a bar… anyone knows how it goes from there?


  1. Rebecca Houlton commented on Facebook: A skeleton walks into a bar and orders a beer and a mop.

  2. That's it! Thanks Rebecca.

  3. Waste of good beer, should have refused to serve it
