Wednesday 13 May 2009

Big fish eat small fish...

I saw them in the sky the other evening - Breugel's fish. I’d stopped for a loo break on the M6 at the Keele services, only thirty minutes or so from home but I couldn’t wait. Besides, it was a good sky, plenty of cumulus… and there they were, almost too perfect, so perfect I had to look twice.

Big fish eat small fish - Breugel would have loved it. That's his drawing at the bottom of the post - see the fish in the sky? I love Breugel, always have. Weird drawing isn't it?

I’ve been spending a lot of time looking at the sky since doing my ‘Dali sky’ post thing, and I mean a lot of time. I can hardly take my eyes off the clouds - I’ve even found myself glancing at them when I’m driving which is not good and something I must stop, but it is so hypnotic… watching the clouds as they move and change.

Did you know that the sky is full of dragons? There are dragons everywhere, you can hardly move in the sky for dragons. Take a look. I bet within a few minutes you see a dragon or two popping their horny heads out of the clouds.

I tried it myself just then and got an elephant's head. Look... an elephant! Amazing.

I’ve taken to carrying a camera around so as not to miss anything... is this the start of an obsession? It’s startling what you see. I saw a dog yesterday but the clouds were moving so fast that by the time I’d waited for a plane to move and got the camera ready the atmospheric currents had begun to morph the dog into a splodge. Can you still see it? I think I can just make it out. Is that a dragon above it… or another elephant’s head? I’m not sure, are you?


Dragons and dolphins… go on take a look. I bet you see a dolphin straight away, maybe even a school, slicing their way through a sea of cloud on their way to becoming cloud again.

And fish.

The sky is so full of fish, big fish, small fish, single fish, shoals of fish. They chase and merge with each other, the big fish eating the small fish, sometimes becoming a bigger fish, a dragon, a dolphin, a dog… gone… back to simple water vapour hanging in the air.

Take some time to look. There could be anything up there.

Big fish eat small fish in the sky…Yes, Breugel would have loved it.


  1. The human mind has an amazing ability to find the familiar in the noise. Pictures in ink blots, voices in white noise, humor in the benign witterings of Victoria Wood. I think she wrote a song about it.

  2. She did - it contained the lines 'the human imagination, how extroadinarily bacon, and oh so silly, like Billy's willy' Ha, ha, ha,- she makes so me laugh my socks off.
