Thursday 12 February 2009

Dark day


Today was a very dark day.
Here's a very short piece about the dark.

The Word Process
There was nothing but darkness and the darkness was huge. He was used to it. He’d been travelling the darkness for as long as he could remember. For so long that he’d forgotten when he’d stopped simply travelling and his search for some other had begun - or even some-thing…any-thing. It had started quietly. He’d never really doubted that he’d find something - there had to be something other than himself? But now he thought differently - he couldn’t be the only could he?

That had been before, he had no doubts left. He had searched and hunted for so long without success that he knew he was the only and - accepting it - he finally understood what he must do. It was hard but at the end there comes a time when the unacceptable must be accepted. That time was now, a single road to travel – he must finish the emptiness and remove the darkness. The ending to a story that had never really began. The empty darkness held no story, had no dialogue, the only word his - hope vanquished and vanished long ago.

It was time. He’d prepared well. All he had to do was press the trigger and it would be over. He didn’t feel sad. He was beyond sorrow. He was angry, raging even. Sorrow was just a distant memory – an echo in the darkness, his echo, solitary and alone. He’d be happy to be out of the darkness, overjoyed by the stop to the loneliness at last.

He reached for the trigger, pressed it and in an instant of implosion the process ignited - light flooding outwards, upwards, inwards, downwards - as the emptiness began to shrink. Exploding embryonic particles rushing from and towards each other filling the emptiness with miasmic plasma soup, the foundation of a future, a vacuum no more. Hot matter and antimatter colliding, destroying each another, feeding on each other, feeding the process, creating pure energy, forming matter. Baryons, photons, neutrinos, electrons and quarks cooling, the soup of matter rushing outwards in that flash, cooling to watery ice, combining and recombining, colliding and re-colliding, forming and reforming - the universe smashing itself into being with a Bang!

The darkness was gone, the emptiness filled and he had filled it. He was free. Everywhere and everything. He would be known by many names, by many civilisations on countless worlds and this time would be Chthlutu, Dreamtime, Rrtyseyndra, Creation, Big Bang…but in the end, as it was in the beginning, they were one and the same - The word was first and the word was last - and some day the the word process would begin again.

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