Sunday 28 July 2013

Big blue sky...

Want to know something really surprising?

For the first time in a really long time I think I might be feeling happy. Yes, feeling happy. Content with my lot, pleased with how things have worked out, not angry or bitter by what life has thrown at me or raging against fate, luck, chance and a host of other circumstantial obstacles which life has put in my path to trip me up along the way.

It’s a nice feeling. Yes, nice! Nice that the Black Dog that always sounds in my distance has been muzzled, his bark silenced. Nice that my demons, who’ve buzzed around my brain forever, have gone back to whatever hell they came from. Nice that the storm of grey clouds, which permanently hung over my head clothing me in the threat of a storm, may have actually turned out to have any number of silver linings. Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice.


So why, you may be asking?

Well it’s a number of things. Not least of all my realisation that the less I give a damn the happier I get. This and the fact that I now realise the end to my ‘career’ when it came was a blessing and not the disaster I supposed at the time. Then there’s my recent completely debt free situation – no mortgage and I’ve never done credit. I’m happy with my little shop even though I don’t make me much money painting glass, but I really enjoy it. At last I know exactly how where I stand in my father’s warped and pathetic eyes and most of all I’m not going to let anything or anybody take the sky away from me. They can’t, it’s simply too big and blue.

Yes, the less I give a damn the happier I get so I’ve decided to look forward to the rest of my life – you never know when it’s going to be over.

Just look at that beautiful sky.