Sunday 18 November 2012


Up early this morning, brrrrr… to the first real frost of the winter season. I had to scrape my car windscreen and windows to remove the ice and it  really was ice, pretty hard, and not just a sprinkling of frost. Out in the back yard, in what I call cold corner, that place that never catches the sun, a few fallen leaves had acquired a sugar coating of fine icy crystals. Such a clear blue sky and the air like pins in my nostrils. More to come I guess; I think that it might be another cold one this year.


  1. Lorna Gleadell on FB
    Yes, minus 2c when I went to work at 6.30 am Brrrrrrrrr


  2. Lindsey Messenger on FB
    we sure did.....such lovely clear blue skys.

  3. Della Jayne Roberts on FB
    Monday morning here.
    11 degrees at 7.50 and a cool rainy day predicted.
    When it gets too hot and the humidity is unbearable; the flies, snakes and mosquitoes come out.

  4. Della Jayne Roberts on FB
    It didn't rain.
