Wednesday 14 November 2012

The money bag...

The Chinese call it the Money bag.

Well listen up you flippin’ Chinese.

There are messages circulating claiming that December 2012 will feature 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and 5 Mondays, a combination of days that occurs only once every 823 years. The message claims that sending on the information will bring good luck to the sender. 

It’s perfectly true that December 2012 has 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and 5 Mondays. But, such a combination occurs far more often than every 823 years. The last time it happened was in December 2007 and the next time it happens will be in December 2018. In fact, any month that has 31 days will have three consecutive days that occur five times in the month. Such combinations are commonplace and occur each and every year.

Just goes to show that you can’t trust a Chinaman when it comes to numbers and probably explains why, when I order a take-away from Fu-Manchu’s down the road, I never get my prawn crackers.

Inscrutable? I should flippin’ coco.


  1. Sharon Taylor commented on your Facebook:
    Sharon wrote: "I used to ask not to have prawn crackers because we don't eat them - but we got them anyway, so now they go to the birds. Not so inscrutable, or just not that good at doing the none ordinary?"

  2. Funny how the Chinese have their own calendar, yet would have a name for something that happens in the Gregorian calendar only once ever 823 years. The Gregorian calendar repeats itself every 11 years.
