Saturday 2 July 2011

The return of the Ju-Ju…

Ju-Ju’s back.

Yes, he’s reappeared. He does that. He pops out and up when you least expect him.

He can be lost for months, wandering around it the deserted desert of the Me Mind and then – when I’m least expecting it, he’s back with his terrible smile and deadly piety. He is the light you see. He carries the Hoodoo Voodoo Heart. And of course he is the one true way. All praise the Holy Peanut! Amen.

It never takes me long to slip into his world, or rather for him to slip over into mine - and when he comes he brings a deadly dread. I dread awfully angled and aligned alliteration, an anthology awesome as anything. Dread the terror of the complex sentence. Dread a torture of alphabetically composed paragraphs. I find it all too angsty, bothersome, credulous, distracting, eerie, frightening, gut-wrenching, harrowing, and all those other alphabetic characters up to terror and then beyond. More terrible than should be known to any man. He is the electricity that scars the earth. He leaves the smell of burning toast behind him. Sniff the air - he is the Holy Peanut.

I never see him coming. I take my wine and wafer and when I stumble to my rise the next day I find him perilously perched upon the paper, perfectly poised, pending personification, practically pathetic in his peanut pictured penance. And then he is out, with no remembrance of him arriving save the ink from the smudging stained upon my fingers, my heavy head a’thumping, thumping, thumping.

Kill or cure? Curse or Blessing? Who knows? Only the Ju-Ju, his holiness the Hoodoo Voodoo can answer those questions.

Yes, it is a god awful small affair to the girl with the mousey hair and so suffer the little children. He is the light. He is the shade. He has the light and wears the shade. He is the standard that lights the world. He is the eclectic, elastic, ecclesiastical electricity. Peanut Be Praised!

His journey continues…


  1. That crazy Peanut with the nonchalant stance. Don't understand it but I like it.

  2. Ian - he IS the light. That's why he's wearing that hat.

  3. I confuse him me.

  4. Phil Morgan commented on Facebook:
    He confuse, he enlighten but he back and back is good.

  5. Phil Morgan commented on facebook.
    Phil wrote "Good to see the Ju-Ju return."

  6. Ian, Do you remember those 1920's lamps? The ones with the coy naked girls with a lampshade on their heads. I think the Holy Peanut may be copying them.

  7. Ian Maclachlan responded on Facebook:
    I like those lamps. Art deco bronze with delicate hands. Punctuated with tasteful ivory embellishments. Proper ones though. Not the Nobles Amusements sort of course.

  8. Phil Ogden commented on Facebook:
    Fantastic! - But, what's with the 3-pin socket being upside down, then? And another thing...these 'masterpieces' should be on fine art paper, not lined notepads, mate!

    Andrew Height (that's me) responded:
    hanks Phil. All my plugs are like that. It keeps the electricity from falling out. As for the paper, at four in the morning I think I must just grab whatever I have to hand - besides 'proper' paper would make me consider what I was doing. I'll try it though.

  9. Tim Preston commented on Facebook:
    I wish I could let go onto a piece of paper like that. If I try, I usually miss and it's difficult to get off the carpet. And what is the Holy Peanut? Is it something akin to the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch?

  10. Andy Lloyd e-mailed:

    I think that he is right.
