Monday 6 June 2011

Not dancing...

I don’t have the energy today.

Sometimes things can become so focussed on a single moment that wider reality slips away and in that instant the moment becomes the norm, all the reality that there is.

Sometimes, dependent on your viewpoint (who you are, where you are standing, whose side you are on) multiple realities may in that instant coexist side by side diametrically opposed to each other and the other, and other.

I slipped into these realities on Saturday afternoon whilst photographing the glass spheres that are the water reservoirs for my hanging basket. One moment all was the pink of a daisy, the blues and the sun-shimmer of the glass and next…

All I wanted was some time to reflect, a little peace and quiet, some forgetfulness away from the routines that even now drive me. I should have kept my phone switched off. Still, at least I no longer dance.

I won’t explain. I don’t have the energy.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure I have the energy to contemplate that one!
