Tuesday 7 June 2011

Worth the wait…

For ten long years and more the apple bird-box sat in the holly tree empty of birds. These days the once vibrant colours are dulled, a crack is developing down one side, and some boring insect has lived up to its name and bored a few holes on the underside of the faked fruit.

My posts seem to get shorter then shorter still, colours dulled, cracked and full of holes. Perhaps that’s a good thing? I don’t know. I doubt it matters much, I don’t think there are too many people waiting breath all baited for them to hit the web.

Ten long years of waiting, clean as a whistle and no expectation of that ever changing. Until, with a flash of yellow and blue and a tweet, out it flew to gather food for the hatchlings that surely must lie within. And then another; a pair, as you would expect.

Worth the wait?

I wonder how many young will fly from that apple?


  1. out of focus - but I like it.

  2. Yes, Andy is pften out of focus. Or maybe he just focus on something different to what we are. Or maybe he's out of focus.
