Thursday 1 October 2009

Doggy-paddling with Ray Bradbury (Thursday 2 am)…

There are some places in my life I don’t go much. Small towns, countries, the odd continent that I once spent time in but, for one reason or another, choose never to read the sent, spent, postcards that are my memories of these now foreign haunts. Yes - they haunt.

Some things are best forgotten?

Look at these women in their caps and gowns. How happy they look, how proud - it is their day and they have worked so hard for it. They deserve their pride and smiles as they graduate as teachers.

I knew one of these women when she was a small girl, for a while I brought her and her sister up. Well, perhaps brought up it isn’t; but I was around when they were becoming part the people they are today. They are both grown now. I have some dust drawn postcards of how they were, but none of how they are – excepting those I borrow from others and elsewheres. Yes, I borrowed (stole) that picture, it’s somebody else’s postcard - not rightfully mine, not mine at all – still’n’all, well done all, and well done one.

I’m pleased that she’s smiling, pleased that she’s done so well. I wish that I could claim a credit for it – but I can’t, won’t, credit’s hers. I was just around in the water for a while before and during the storm. And after?

Here’s an explanation. Not ‘the’, but the only I have. It makes sense to me, safe sanctuary, the ‘how’ of how I deal with these things - another postcard that I won’t look at too closely. Why? Well, it doesn’t stand too close examination; I might see the holes – and the worms that live down them.

‘Sometimes life is like a wave. You are floating along when suddenly you are caught up and moved along in a direction that you didn’t see coming, or do see coming but don’t feel until the wave breaks, or feel, but are so caught up in the motion and spray of the wave - so busy struggling not to be smashed and pulled down to drown - that all you can do is doggy paddle for your life. Doggy paddle away from the waves, against the tides, away from the storm. Paddle until you manage the calmer waters. Paddle for the safety that lies beyond. Paddle so as not to drown. Paddle away, paddle…’

Wish you were here? So - my postcard of an explanation… short? Well postcards are. I warned that it doesn’t stand close examination – why would it? Save yourself? Yourself - when mostly we don’t drown, we won’t drown, and mostly we can’t drown. When mostly we doggy paddle – paddle away on our own.

Paddle away - leaving the others to the waves.
Sink or swim? Paddle doggy, paddle.

Postcards best forgotten?


  1. I think she is pleased that you stole that particular postcard.

  2. Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it...'you did a good job'.. the talented gardener who nurtured a young heart and helped the soul to blossom. I am what I am... and some of the most radiant pages in the biography of my memories are down to you...As I said, silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. Don't forget those postcards... I haven't.
