Monday 20 January 2014

Blue Monday, yellow Friday…

Today is Blue Monday, that day of the year when all things come together to hit rock bottom. It’s a combination of it being a Monday, the weather, post-Christmas debt, elapsed time since that holiday, the usual failure of New Year's resolutions, low motivational levels and that nagging feeling that there really is a need to take some action. There’s even an equation that explains it all - not that I understand equations. In Holland it’s called ‘deprimaandag’, or ‘depression Monday’ – well, the Dutch were never a people to understate misery.

Blue Monday or not, I didn’t see scores of scowling, hunched-up people as I meandered my way along Oxford Road this morning. Nobody was visibly crying and I didn’t see a single grey cartoon cloud hanging above anybody’s head. I even heard someone whistling and two men on the corner by the café were laughing about something or other - United probably. On the flip side, singing was coming from the Welsh Presbyterian Church as I passed. It’s probably only the third time I’ve heard singing from inside that building in over thirty years. I doubt it was a wedding or christening as I’ve never seen anybody under sixty entering or leaving and the singing didn't sound joyous. I guess it was the other thing.

Of course Blue Monday is all nonsense, a combination of media hype and bad science. Like any Monday some people will have a happy positive day and others won’t. Somebody will check their lottery tickets and find they’re a big winner, hundreds of people will pass their driving test, scores of couples will marry, babies will be born, cancer patients will be given the all-clear… and vice versa of course.

Even so, I have to admit that January isn’t generally a high point in the year and all of the equation’s elements probably do apply to some extent. My car tax and insurance is due (rats), but then on the upside I’m always glad when the Christmas fizzle is finally over. I don’t do resolutions and, as I can be a bit of a procrastinator, there’s always a need to take action (maybe tomorrow or the day after). It’s the weather that is the big mood-swinger I think. That’s why people, myself included, never shut-up about it. Wet and dismal is not a good mood-maker, sunshine - even on a cold January day - makes such a difference.

Anyway, if Blue Monday really is the low point of the year surely there must be a high point to balance it. It’ll probably be a Friday or some time over the weekend. A day when everybody feels great, the world’s just perfect, beer is free, the sun shines bright and hot, and bad news and bills are not allowed.

Yellow Friday or ‘gelukvrigdag’ as the Dutch might call it. I wonder when it is?


  1. Clare Pritchard
    How was my blue Monday?..... Shit!!!!

  2. Catherine Halls-Jukes
    just trying to think of positive day songs ....all I can think of is negative Monday songs..

  3. Vicky Sutcliffe
    Oh that's why everyone was so miserable on the train today..... That and the train was packed! Standing room only!

  4. Sue Mcnally
    thankyou for asking andy... very productive

  5. Barbara Balding
    Blue every Monday

  6. Sharon Taylor on FB
    yellow Friday - the day you spot the first daffodil flower?

    1. Andrew Height
      That'll do me... oh, and the free beer!

  7. Sharon Taylor
    what free beer - and is there free wine????

  8. Lindsey Messenger on FB
    Ooooo did someone say free wine....that would be a GREAT Friday!!!;-) x

  9. Fraser Stewart on FB
    Personally I prefer Red Sunday.
