Thursday 15 January 2009


By now you’ve probably guessed that my blog doesn’t have much of a theme - well, apart from me that is.

When I decided to start it (and if you were in at the start you may remember) I was just so blown away by being ‘out there’ that I just wrote, and that’s how it’s continued. So I guess that you could say that my blog is pretty random, although there are some themes developing that may, or may not, develop further as time goes on.

In many ways it’s just a conversation with myself. A way for me to get my thoughts down, tell some stuff, try new things, show old things; and I have to say I’m really enjoying doing it. I think I’d do it even if nobody were reading it; although I appreciate your interest and thanks to those of you who have commented.

Gaynor says that I’m becoming obsessed, and she may be right. But if it is an obsession then it won’t last for long, my obsessions rarely do, so I might as well enjoy it as much as I can whilst it’s here.

Now about this ‘Random’ thing…

My understanding of random is pretty close to this definition: - Lacking any definite plan or purpose; governed by or depending on chance; “a random choice”; “bombs fell at random”; “random movements”.

I like the three examples given in that definition particularly “bombs fell at random” and “random movements” (which I read as “random moments” on first reading; of which I have-a-plenty). To me random describes something that happens unexpectedly, that wasn’t planned; a chance thing.

Now my daughter Holly uses the word all of the time at the minute, she starts sentences with it, she ends sentences with it, and she has started to use it in ways that I neither understand nor expect. She uses this word so often and in such diverse ways that it annoys me sometimes, which is silly, after all it’s just a word and language is continually developing: what about gay (happy), gay (homosexual), and now gay (lame or rubbish), or sly which used to mean clever and now usually means devious and underhand.

She’ll say things like – “and then this Random walks up to her and says”…

Or use it as a criticism of something I’ve done or said – “Random!” with that ‘ooo-err-errrm’ intonation in the pronunciation.

Or even as a compliment – “Cool. That’s really Random”. Or at least I think it’s a compliment.

In fact she seems to be able to use “Random” in any way she feels like, and make it mean anything she wants; what’s weird is that all her friends understand what she is saying when she does it, and even weirder is that, despite trying not to I am also beginning to understand what she is saying when she uses it.

It’s interesting and I may at some point write something here where I use words in a way that they aren’t meant to be used and see how that works. You’ll probably agree that it can’t be much harder to understand that some of the stuff I normally write.
Anyway, as I said earlier - I’m having fun on the journey and I hope that you’re having some fun to. Wow! Random! Totally so Random! You Random Randoms. Random!

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