Monday 5 January 2009

Ju-Ju Jesus Peanut

See that funny little chap up in the top right? That's the Ju-Ju Jesus Peanut. I started a comic strip story about him last year and I guess you may hear more about him this year, who knows I may even finish it.

That's the problem with some things isn't it? You start them, it's going well and then something happens and you move on to something else, or you dry and it just fizzles out without a completion. I wouldn't call myself a completer/finisher in the strictest sense; you know driven to finish everything in order and preferably on time, but things never go off my list once they are on my list. I wish I could cross them out and forget about them, but I can't, so they just hang around gathering dust and waiting to be picked up again.

It's quite a long list and some of the things that are on it are very dusty, so dusty that some of them are almost completely concealed by the weight of dust that lies upon them. But despite all that dust they are still hanging in there waiting for the day that I drive that train, grow a bonsai tree from seed, catch a fish in the sea, finish the book, and get the last of that flooring down.

One day I will dust off all the old projects and complete them.

But not today.

1 comment:

  1. i like him... i shouldn't coz his heart is black, but he looks sad and mournful...
