Thursday 26 February 2015


I love the places where the sky meets the sea and the sea meets the land.

It's the linear aspects that hold my attention.

Sometimes it is so hard to ignore the lines and concentrate on the movement. But for me it's the movement that counts, the way the wind seems to blow the light around,and the way the light seems to bend the wind.

Of course the seagulls seem to have mastered it all - land, sea, and sky. They strut around on land, soar in the air, dive deep like white arrows into the sea - and all for food.

Sometimes I feed the gulls with bread. I know that I shouldn't, but I love to watch them swoop and catch it mid-air in their long yellow beaks or dive down to the water to snatch it up before another can get to it.

Long lines of white moving seamlessly between the lines of land, sea, and sky. All caught in the movement, all moved by the wind.


  1. John F. Tooher on FB
    Love it!

    1. Andrew Height
      Cheers John. Quite small and a bit dashed off.

  2. Lindsey Messenger on FB
    Great blog..... And look what I had given me today..... A seagull theme today
    Lindsey Messenger's photo.

    1. Lindsey Messenger
      Ps meant to say"fresh from Cornwall

    2. Andrew Height
      Must get to Cornwall again one day. Did you go?

    3. Lindsey Messenger
      No, was from family I work for.

  3. Tim Preston on FB
    "Please don't chase the clouds, pagodas ......" The Movie, The Doors - that's what it reminded me of

    1. Andrew Height
      I can't help but chase clouds Tim. I think that is all there is - and why not?
