Sunday 4 March 2018

Clap your hands if you believe...

It strikes me that this blogging thing is hard. Firstly, you have to say something and secondly, you have to have something to say. There was a time when I had plenty to say, often too much and often not what people wanted or found comfortable to hear. I’m like that sometimes; a little too blunt and it has been both my making and my downfall.

Honesty is sometimes a dish that’s hard to swallow and of course one man’s truth is another man’s lie. I used to think that there were some absolute truths; simple truths like the world is round, water is wet, there will always be honey for tea. These days I’m not so sure. What if there is no truth? What if everything we believe only exists because we believe it? I mean, if you don’t believe in something does it cease to exist like Tinkerbell in Peter Pan?

Science has become confusing. There was a time when scientific fact was just that; a fact, an irrefutable truth that there was no getting away from; they even taught it in schools. I’m not sure about that any longer. I’m not even sure that the scientists are sure. Increasingly I’m beginning to think that all things are possible and if that’s true the impossible is perfectly possible too. Maybe science and metaphysics are not so dissimilar after all. Lead into Gold? The Philosopher’s Stone. I’m sure that it’s just a matter of time until we can change the very properties of matter. If we can make a black hole in a Swiss mountainside, then why not a gold bar from a piece of lead pipe in the library Professor Plum?

I was reading recently that many scientists are coming around to the idea that the universe isn’t three dimensional at all, but two dimensional, in other words flat. It’s called the ‘holographic principle’ and arises from string theory. I'm no professor, but I do have string in my kitchen drawer, but this theoretical string is made up of vibrating threads called gravitons and it’s this that causes the illusion of 3D in a flat universe. Imagine that; everything we think we see as three dimensional is actually flat and it’s our interpretation of the gravitons that adds that extra dimension. Actually thinking about it - don’t think about it - because another theory states that whatever we think about becomes reality because we think about it, and of course time doesn't exist - we invented it.

My head hurts; so back to blogging and me. It’s hard to have something to say when everything you think is real and a fact might not be both real and a fact because if you don’t think it then it can’t become real. What is the point of talking about gun control in the US when guns and the US may not be real? We all know that Trump can’t really be real can he? But what if he is as flat as a photograph and we are imagining him? And what is the point of spreading honey on your bread when you are living in a 2D flat earth, in a flat solar system, in a flat universe, in a.... Stop! I want to get off.

What if Strapo and Copernicus and all the rest of them had it wrong and the world is really flat and the only thing that stops us from falling off the edge is our belief that we won't? I said STOP! And what about bees with that honey? Bumble bees shouldn't be able to fly but they do and would honey even spread if it’s two dimensional? I SAID STOP! Could it be that bumble bees can fly because that's what we expect? And what about fairies most importantly? Are fairies real to the people who believe in them?


It seems that it’s not just me that has a thin grasp of reality after all. It seems that reality has a thing grasp of itself. And with that please stop thinking about it enjoy the rest of your day. Just don't fall off the edge of the world.

Clap your hands if you believe in fairies.

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